Department of Information Technology and Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering are jointly going to organize a National Level Technical Festival “Tech-O-Tsav” on 13.12.24 and 14.12.24.
Technical events like Innovate Expo: (interdisciplinary Project Exhibition), Concept Showcase: Model Presentation, Code the Future, Design the Web! (Workshop cum Web Designing Competition), Visual Vista Showcase (Technical Poster Presentation), Code Craft Challenges (Programming Contest, AI Fusion: Where Ideas Evolve into Reality! (AI/ML Workshop cum Competition), Mind Master Quiz : Quizzard (Quiz Competition), Electronic Junkyard ( Model Presentation), Robo Race (Racing Competition of robot cars), High Speed Line Follower Robot (Racing Competition of line follower robots), Electronic Gadget Design (Model Presentation, PCB Designing (Model Presentation) will be conducted in two days event to upgrade the technical skills of the students and to unleash their creativity.
Pre-event workshops will be conducted on 11th and 12th December to make students ready for the main day’s technical competitions.