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Association for Computing Machinery 

Acropolis Institute of Technology And Research 

ACM is a global scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, science, engineering, and application of computing, serving both professional and public interests by fostering the open exchange of information and by promoting the highest professional and ethical standards. 

Association for Computing Machinery 

Acropolis Institute of Technology And Research

ACM has established Student Chapters to provide an opportunity for students to play a more active role in the Association and its professional activities.

  • Association for Computing Machinery Goals: Defining enlightened educational frameworks and resources for students and professionals to advance understanding, learning, and evolving of computing and computer science as well as promoting the development and use of environmentally sustainable computing technologies and promotion of ethical computing to make a positive impact across the global computing community.
  • Association for Computing Machinery Objective: As the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, ACM delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field's premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.
  • Following is the list of committee members who are responsible for overseeing the chapter's operations:
  1. Chairperson – Priyansh Gupta
  2. Vice Chairperson- Murtaza Bohra
  3. Treasurer- Niray Agarwal
  4. Secretary- Namit Prajapati
  5. Web Master- Meghesh Solanki
  6. Web Developer- Prakhar Gupta
  7. Web Developer - Manan
  8. Mobile Master- Palash
  9. Mobile Developer- Prasang
  10. Mobile Developer- Ishan
  11. Event Head- Aditya Paliwal
  12. Event Manager- Sejal
  13. Event Manager- Khushi
  14. Trainer Head- Hetal
  15. Trainer- Nandini
  16. Trainer- Vaishit
  17. Creative Head- Jatin Jangid
  18. Graphic Designer- Diksha Makode
  19. Video Editor- Yash Patil
  20. Content Writer- Kanishka Kanungo
  • And the other members of the chapter from computer science department for the session 2023 from 2nd and 3rd year are as follows:
  1. Diksha Chhagani
  2. Drishti Lalwani
  3. Falguni Rawat 
  4. Nandini soni 
  5. Leena Ghatiya
  6. Vedant Somani
  7. Ranak
  8. Mann Gupta
  9. Bansari Joshi
  10. Anushka
  11. Tanishqa Bandi
  12. Gaurav Tiwari
  13. Shrina
  14. Garima Nagdev
  15. Shruti Intodiya 
  16. Rishi Yadav


ACM has been continuously working to conduct more and more events to help and guide students to the right technical and educational path. Following are the events conducted in the previous session:

1) Decoding competitive Programming 

Date: 22nd March 2022

2) Introduction AITR ACM Student Chapter and AITR ACM-W Chapter, NFT, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain

Date: 4rth March 2022

3) AI for women

Date: 12th March 2022

4) Nature Inspired Cyber Defense: Resilience & Immunity

Date: 13th April 2022

5) Resource Allocation and Task Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing

Date: 15th April 2022

6)  IOT: Precision in Agriculture

Date: 22nd April 2022

7) Microsoft Azure Boot-camp ~ AZ900 by Azure development community 

Date: 27th-29th April 2022

8) Git and GitHub

Date : 13th May 2022

9) Digital Designing Workshop

Date: 29th August and 2nd September 2022

10) Deep dive into web 3.0

Date : 13th September 2022

Attached are the event reports for all the events conducted so far

  • AITR ACM continues to serve the students and its members with the same benefits for the session 2023 as well. 
  • AITR ACM in collaboration with AITR GDSC organized the first national level event-Codespire which was a great success. A large number of students participated in the event from different parts and regions of the nation making it a big success.

Following are the events conducted in the new session:

1) Getting started with open source

Date: 17th October 2022

2) First Date with Data- Learning basic Data Structures

Date: 8th - 11th November 2022

3) Webinar on Blockchain Technology

Date: 24th December 2022

4) Introduction to Robotic Process Automation with UiPath

Date: 3rd March 2023

5) Speaker session on community building and challenging social perception around Self Promotion 

Date :15th March 2023

6) The first edition of National level event - Codespire divided into 2 parts: Coding and Project contest 

Date: 16th and 17th March 2023