IETE Professional Society Student Forum
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IETE Professional Society Student Forum
About IETE Student’s Forum
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) founded in 1953 is one of the leading Professional Society in India. With the great vision of founder and subsequent forefathers and stalwarts who were leading light of the Institution IETE, have been devoting and contributing for the advancement of Science and Technology in the fields of Electronics, Communication Engineering, Computer Science, Information Technology and other related subjects. IETE has got two streams of Student base. First wing is the students of alma-mater , IETE , viz, the pass outs of DIPIETE , AMIETE and ALCCS students . For them we have an Alumni Association formed in 2013 and the Second one is the Engineering students studying in Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics across the Country. This wing is the ISF (IETE Students Forum). More than 550 live ISFs are functioning in India today with a student membership of more than 60,000.
Inauguration of IETE Professional Society Student Forum – 06/02/2018
Objective of Event – The objectives of the lectures are to enable the participating students to: understand the concept of E-waste recycling, how to design electronics circuits, design of DC power supply.
Details of Speaker Designation –
- Prof. Tapan Mukherjee (Director, Tech-Force Composites Pvt. Ltd., Indore)
- Ms. Shweta Sharma (Associated with MP Vigyan Sabha Bhopal as a Speaker)
Dignitaries Present
- Dr. Shamsher Singh Vice Chairman (Academics),
- Dr. S. C. Sharma, Director, AITR
- Prof Atul N. Bharat,Group Director CDC,
- Dr. UBS Chandrawat, Head, ECE deptt.,
- Faculty members of ECE
- Write up giving highlights
Topic:– Environmental hazards of E-waste and Management.
The aim of this lecture is to bring awareness about hazardous E-waste and their management. The speaker of the session was Ms. Shweta Sharma. The speaker started the session by explaining the concept of E-waste. “E-waste” is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life. She also explained that discarded computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, electric lamps, cell phones, audio equipment and batteries if improperly disposed can leach lead and other substances into soil and groundwater. She also explain that over 95% of the e-waste is treated and processed in the majority of urban slums of the country, where untrained workers carry out the dangerous procedures without personal protective equipment, which are detrimental not only to their health but also to the environment. Now a day there are advanced equipment which can easily recycle the e-waste without any harm. Last she told us about the rules and regulation mentioned in our constitution.
Topic:– Electronic Circuit Design –DC power supply.
The aim of this lecture is to bring awareness about DC power supplies as the performance of each and every electronic system or electronic circuit depends upon the power supply that energizes the circuit or system. The speaker of the session was Prof. Tapan Mukherjee. The speaker started the session with interesting quiz consists of four puzzle questions for brushing- up analytical and mental awareness skills of audience. He told to widen our thinking to become a successful engineer. He stressed upon the fundamentals concepts and its importance in designing electronic circuits. He discussed the practical design and real life problem face in the circuit designing. He explains the designing of DC power supplies. He discussed about types of power supplies (Regulated and Unregulated) with some examples. Then he sorted the session by specifying the power supplies and how to select the appropriate power supply for the particular design. He discussed various definition like load regulation, ripple, filters etc. He winded the session with some numerical question.

Objectives of ISF
- Improving standard of Engineering Education
- Counseling the students in the emerging new opportunities
- Encouraging and motivating the outside Class room studies /Workshops/projects/Seminars
- Increasing the student base and corporate membership of IETE
- Priority for publishing their papers in Journal of Education.
- Can also subscribe for other publications such as IETE Journal of Research and IETE Technical Review (available online).
- ISF students are welcome to attend IETE technical programs in India at reduced Regn. fees.
- ISF member will be issued with an Identity Card.
Core Team
Dr. U.B.S. Chandrawat Head-ISF
Ms. Mukti Awad Faculty Coordinator