
Acropolis Institute Bypass Road,
Manglia Square, Indore

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Notice B
Government Schemes
Corporate Scholarship
NGO Scholarship
Other Schemes

Notice - Commencement of Session B. Tech 2nd and 4th Semester (Jan-June 2025)

Yashasvi Scholarship 24-25

Yshshsvi Scholarship Guidelines

Notice - Commencement of Session Diploma 6th Semester (Jan-June 2025)

छात्रव्रति सूचना - (MMVY & MMJKY ) वर्ष 2024-25

छात्रव्रति सूचना - गाँव की बेटी वर्ष 2024-25

Notice - MOOC's Courses

Important Notice - B. Tech and M. Tech

Notice - Commencement of Session B. Tech 6th Semester

Examination Notice - B. Tech and M. Tech ( I & II semester )

Examination Notice - B.Tech III Semester

Notice - Creation of ABC ID

Notice M.Tech

अतिआवश्यक नामांकन सूचना ( 2024-25)

Important Instructions for Students

Important Notice - 2024 admitted students

Notice - Scholarship and Corrections (2024-25 Admitted Students)

Notice - Commencement of Session

Examination Notice - M.Tech III & IV semester

Notice - Exam Information

Notice - challenge and persuasion

Notice - Diploma Exam Form

Notice - Enrollment Form - 2024-25 and Prarup

Exam Form Notice - V & VI Semester

Exam Suspension notice - 04 Dec 2024

Notice - Collection of fee receipt

Reminder for fee payment (M. Tech., B. Tech – I Semester & B. Tech. III Semester (Lateral Entry) ( July - Dec 2024)

आवश्यक सूचना - (Name DOB Correction) and RGPV Prarup

सूचना - अन्तिम अनुकंपा अवसर

Examination Notice - B. Tech VII & VIII semesters

SC ST Renual Schollership Notice 2024-25

Important Notice - (ABC-ID Creation for exam forms)

Notice - Commencement of Session M. Tech & Diploma – (July-Dec 2024)

Important Notice - RGPV (Challenge Persuasion)

Enrollment Notice - 2024-25

Scholarship notice

सूचना - (RBI राष्ट्रव्यापी प्रश्नोत्तरी कार्यक्रम)

Notice - National Scholarship 2024-25

Notice - Commencement of Session B. Tech 3rd & 5th Semester – (July-Dec 2024)

Important Notice - Suspension of Skill Development Training Classes

Notice - NSPC PSG

Notice (Gap Affidavit - Exam)

Examination Notice - B. Tech I to IV Semester

Notice - Commencement of Session B.Tech 7th Sem

Notice (Gap Affidavit - Exam)

Important Notice - Digilocker

Examination Notice B.Tech V & VI sem

Exam Notice - B.Tech VII & VIII Sem

Notice - (Re-valuation, Challenge Results)

Notice Date of Challenge/Persuasion of Answer Books


MMVY Scholarship

OBC Scholarship

Scholarship Notice - SC & OBC (IV & V year)

Ganv ki Beti Scholarship (GKB)

Scholarship Notice (SC & ST)

NSP Scholarship Notice

EXAMINATION NOTICE-M.Tech-I,II,III,IV semester-20/06/2023

Scholarship Notice 2023-24

Prarup 4 (B) & Shapath-Patra (PDF File)

Prarup 4 (B) & Shapath-Patra (MS Word File)

Admission Form

Recognition of talent in academics and sports amongst students is an essential part of developmental process. Scholarships based on excellence in academics and sports have been instituted to foster motivation, instill self confidence, sense of responsibility and competitiveness. Students achieving excellence in academics but hailing from economically and socially weaker sections of the society are given scholarship to provide them financial help for attaining quality education.

Awards for ensuring and motivating students to be regular in attending classes has taken learning to a greater height while discouraging the tendency of students to take private tuition.

Dr RM Sojatia Merit Scholarship: The scholarship is awarded for excellence in academics to students securing I and II positions in I, II, III year examinations of RGPV/ DAVV.
The award carries an individual amount of Rs 8000/- and Rs 2000/- respectively for students securing I and II positions.

Mr Pradeep Sojatia Merit cum Means Scholarship: This scholarship is instituted to assist students from First to Final year of BE, MBA, MCA and Pharmacy from economically weaker sections, having annual income below Rs 2.0 Lakhs, and not getting any other scholarship.
These students can apply for the scholarship along with income certificate from appropriate authority and mark sheets of previous two semesters.

Prabhat Sojatia and Om Sojatia Scholarship for Sports: On the basis of the performance of students in Nodal/ State and National level tournaments, students are awarded scholarship of Rs 1000/- and 5000/- respectively. Students who display outstanding proficiency in sports at National level are adjudged Sports Person of the year and each is awarded Rs 6000/- .

Chairman’s Awards: Chairman’s awards have been instituted as part of Decade Year celebration with effect from September 2015. These annual awards aim to recognize outstanding performance of faculty, staff and students and motivate them to strive for better performance. Following awards have been instituted for the students:

  1. Best Project: It carries a letter of appreciation and a cash award of Rs 5000/- to the students and guide of the entire project.
  2. Best Programming: Letter of appreciation and a cash award of Rs 5000/- for the entire team.
  3. Best Attendance: This award has been instituted to reward students who are very regular in attending the classes.

Government Scholarship

  • Scholarship awarded by Adimjati Kalyan Vibhag Indore to SC, ST & OBC students.
  • Scholarship awarded by AICTE to GATE qualified students for post-graduate courses.
  • Scholarship awarded by Minority Welfare Department,Bhopal.
  • Merit Scholarship awarded by Acropolis Group to Meritorious students who closed 1st & 2nd position in class semester wise.

Corporate Scholarship

Mahindra Scholarship: Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services Ltd. (MMFSL) has launched two scholarships for the students from under privileged communities. This program is administrated by K.C. Mahindra Trust. Mahindra Finance under its corporate social responsibility distributes Academic Scholarships every year to the students from financially weaker section of society (the annual income of whose parents is below Rs.two lakhs). Apart from this it selects students on the basis of their performance in academics (60% and above throughout), attendance in college, good behavior and ability to perform well in future.
Rs 10,000/- per scholarship is given to 32 students of B.Sc., BCA, and B.Com. & BBA studying in final year of an three year undergraduate degree course from AIMSR.

Cummins Scholarship Program: Cummins India has announced a scholarship program for meritorious students of Indore as a part of ‘Corporate Responsibility’. Students who register are required to appear in the test conducted by Cummins Foundation. The scholarship includes full tuition fees waiver, as well as expenses of stationery. Students who become eligible for availing scholarship will be connected to Cummins Corporate Family and may get opportunities for their internships at Cummins.
More details can be obtained from www.cumminsindia.com.

NGO Scholarship

  • Anandam Vidya Scholarship for Girls Education. More details can be obtained from http://anandamvidya.org/.
  • And many other.

Other Scholarship Schemes

Chancellor’s Scholarship: Every year 100 students are being chosen from technical education by RGPV, Bhopal, for Chancellor’s
scholarship. The scholarship is given to meritorious students at a solemn ceremony generally held at Bhopal.